Ikigai Coaching for Teens & Parents
A guide for your teen. For the path they seek. For the push they need.
Expert guidance through personalised coaching sessions to help you and your teen discover their best-fit career options. Enabling teens to enhance self-awareness through empowerment and support.

coaching teens & parents
Is coaching really required?
- Struggling to bridge the generation gap?
- Unable to handle the turbulent teen years?
- Family conflict causing strain and emotional pain?
- Unable to cope with a course you don't align with?
- Wrong course selected due to parental or peer pressure?
- Petrified of and frustrated with where your life is heading?
- Troubled by escalating conflicts between teen and parents?
- Family struggling to connect meaningfully and grow together?
- Massive student loan for expensive courses making you restless?
Ticked any of the boxes above? Don’t panic as help is just a click away!
What is LifeVidya Career & Life Coaching
Expert Guidance
A journey of multiple discoveries where you will become aware of your true self along with your strengths and weaknesses. You will be expertly guided on academic and personal growth along with a development plan to help you progress.
Personalised Coaching
One-on-one coaching sessions that are customised to your requirement and conducted in real-time in a safe, healthy, comfortable, friendly and constructive manner. Your privacy is 100% guaranteed and only you will have access to our sessions.
Focused Discussion
Leverage the LifeVidya expertise of helping more than 5,000 teens and parents in India, Singapore, USA, Europe, Dubai and the Middle East connect meaningfully and grow together. Avail expert advice on academic and career options and resolve all queries through personalised guidance.
Psychometric Evaluation
An optional evaluation to accurately find your strengths, skills, interests and inclination through multi-dimensional psychometric assessments. This is a personalised evaluation that will reveal what you are good at and your suitability for a specific course of action in the future.

At LifeVidya we help you to discover yourself and find the courage to nurture what you truly like.
Some call it Ikigai while others call it finding your purpose in life. At LifeVidya, we call it Finding Joy & Alignment.
Founder of LifeVidya
Real Life Examples
LifeVidya in Action
Journey from Grade XII to Master's
A student navigates from Grade XII to a Master’s degree from a top global college under the expert guidance of LifeVidya.
Solving the Career Puzzle
This is a snippet from a live session on coaching for teens conducted by LifeVidya.
Journey from School to College
Audio conversation of a student’s journey from Grade XI to a college course of her choice. Video has been switched off for privacy reasons.
Benefits of LifeVidya Coaching
Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Your teen will overcome all limiting beliefs and break the shackles restraining them from realising their true potential.
Centre Of Attraction
Your teen will be the focal point around which all discussions will take place. We believe in connecting rather than just communicating.
Unique Identity
Your teen will discover their true self and forge a unique identity through a combination of psychometric assessments and personalised guidance.
Purpose And Confidence In Life
Your teen will gain the confidence to chart a successful career path through our customised coaching sessions.
Why us
Make the right choices in life
You are extraordinary and can achieve everything with the right coaching and guidance. LifeVidya can help you transform your challenges into opportunities.
- Rediscover your inner joy
- Align your interests & values
- Become aware of your individuality
Find your true purpose & meaning as you navigate your way through life and career
Connect the different aspects of yourself to heal, recover and align your life
Build greater self-awareness & reflection to connect the dots and reduce conflicts
Integrate purpose & passion to add the desired spark to every aspect of yourself
Your Expert Coach
Dr. Srividya
Founder, LifeVidya
Dr. Srividya is a PhD in Psychology and founder of LifeVidya with more than two decades of experience in helping professionals make the right choices in life. She has created a positive impact in the lives of over 5,000 teens and parents across India, Singapore, USA, Europe, Dubai and the Middle East.
A deeply empathetic listener and perceptive psychologist, Dr. Srividya will facilitate your inner quest towards career fulfilment and job satisfaction and help you gain better insights into your own self.
Dr. Srividya has worked in and been affiliated with the following organisations:
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Ranbaxy
- WICCI - UP Council
- James Cook University, Singapore
- Delhi University, India
- Shiv Nadar School, India

Career Tips & Stories for Loving Parents
Helping Our Teens Land On Their Feet
A must read book authored by Dr. Srividya for all loving parents who want to help their teen joyfully choose careers aligned with their talents and inherent strengths.
Know more >>
This easy-to-read book will help you communicate effectively with your teen, reflect deeply about their career calling and develop better bonds with your family. Whether your child is a high schooler, a graduate or a post graduate, you will find practical insights that will connect the dots for you.